Train Taste Humor
There is the people who was born with a personality that is easy to laugh. There are also born with a character who tends to be serious. But, if we are not a humorous person, it goes without worry. For taste humor is not talent default, because it can be trained:
Here are the steps:
1. take a day to observe things funny and fun around us. Engage pair to help us do this. If we find it funny and fun, casual laugh! Do not just smile.
2. Make friends with people who we consider funny. They will cast cantrip-jokes that we had never met before. If we do not understand their jokes, okay, laugh politeness as well.
3. Laughing our own life. Goring the burnt eggs, socks deliberately used the different colors, our foolishness in the past. When we make ourselves successful, we will doom mini sleeping with smiling lips.
4. Rent a movie comedy. Buy comic funny. Listen to the jokes, jokes on the radio. However, avoid comedy that does not smell good, such as pornography, because it will only damage our minds.
5. Study to see the world with glimmers of humor. For example, we pair accidentally says obese. Respond with a friendly way, for example, "Let me obese, but you fall in love with me!
Friday, January 30, 2009
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12:38 AM
Label: fun
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Healthy With A Laugh
Healthy with a laugh
Can still laugh at life droop
- If we had been treated in hospital; if you can, bring a blanket and our favorite pair of pajamas, images of children, and we pair, bring books humor and and mention to the doctor, sister, friend or roommate.
- When we were trapped on the road congestion; remember funny events that occurred this week, see the glass and make a funny face mimic or sms your friends and couples get him to discuss something funny and fun.
- When we were forced to work overtime: do not remember what time we can go home, but remember how much work can be finished and overtime money also remember that we can get. Take the rest of time, about 2-5 minutes in 20 minutes, to seduce a friend equally overtime. If we overtime alone, send sms to pair us or our friends to gladden the heart for a while.
Art makes people laugh
- note the situation and conditions around us. We do not need to throw all the jokes every time a person speechless. Cantrip new cast when the right atmosphere is dry and people begin to feel bored.
- Who are the people around us? Are they women? If yes, do not throw jokes about pornography that harassing women. Do not until jokes that should be entertaining even something painful
- Select a spoof short and easy to understand. Do not wind too, and do not stop in the middle of the story with the words, "sorry, wrong! I mean it is not! "
- Avert their eyes that would make us laugh. Eye gaze is able to bind someone to listen to the words of our stay.
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12:11 AM
Label: fun
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Determines Success As A Discipline
Determines success as a discipline
Success is the result of various aspects such as hard work, versatility, and the implementation of the plan carefully, and a little luck. In addition, the success is also determined by the discipline or not someone reach all things, and 'put something in place where appropriate'.
Without discipline. A person will not be able to finish all that he has plan. He will not be able to make a strategy on an ongoing basis to achieve the goal if you do not have discipline. Discipline that we are on track, no matter how heavy the face. Discipline those who know what to do and focus on it.
Start in the morning
In fact, the discipline does not need to be discussed too excessive. The simple, since the morning began, without a conscious discipline already espouse. Wake up at the, bath, and then depart from the house, is a small example of the discipline.
Many people will agree when the success factors included the discipline as one of their recipe of success. When we wake up with the wrong foot, for example, as a result we do not feel well, can be ascertained that the day that we will be more productive than the days in which everything went smoothly.
Important tips to optimize the morning is to create a kind of small routines. Up in the same time such as 5-6 o’clock morning and doing small things efficiently, such as setting up clothes, cars or heat, and so forth. Do not forget to also provide breakfast for energy.
Optimize working time
Discipline is not the time irrespective of the optimization work. If the working time we tend to relax too, delay the work, and so similar, when it will appear success? Stop by any course will not want.
Therefore, the discipline that we run regularly, make a list of tasks every day. We can share in some priode, depending on the project or routines that are done.
Writing with time management, we can imagine all the goals, and then measure the efficiency of our own. In addition, we can also know what work is required to complete a particular project. By looking at the results, we may also know whether the target that we set it to fail or succeed. If so, whether this was due to the plan that is not feasible, or because of interruptions by others, or because we do not discipline themselves to do the task as scheduled.
How long endurance body?
Each person has the resilience of the body different. There are people who hold work in front of the computer up to 8-10 hours, which also does not have. Measure this, then apply the list of tasks.
For example, if we know that we hold only work for five hours just on friday - they must be to the mosque or we have too bored in the office, then optimize only five hours of work. Hours of work we fill in with other activities that are entertaining. For, if forced to work up to 10 hours for example, but only 50% of our capacity, it only dispose of waste of time.
There is a healthy mind in a healthy body
This is clear in the school children of primary school. And do not need more debate, if the physical condition of our prime, aka, we also work better than when we are sick. Therefore, keep health.
Created balance between work with the entertainment
Note that work is just one part in our lives. When we leave the office, leave. Do not carry in our minds, as they should in other parts of life that we take over. For that, try to divide everything disciplined with feasible.
Success is not only in the career course, but in our own private life. Here's where the discipline to manage our lives will get results. Believe, life is far more meaningful than just the money.
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7:02 PM
Label: motivation
If Jealous Of Success
If Jealous Of Your Success Comrade
Often, a pair of friends can share each other, sharing in the grief like, and give each other support. If you greet a friend of you also feel. Conversely, if your friends are happy you are happy occasions.
But that can not be denied. There is still the feeling jealous friend with your own happiness. The success in a career can only cause jealousy friend because he is not through. Do you ever been or are currently experiencing such a thing? Maybe your friends a new supervisor position occupied make your heart "hot". Moreover, it followed a number of positions with a compensation, such as a bigger salary, better facilities, and other benefits that better. That jealousy at the success of your friends that you make a friendship was also running well suddenly become a "cold."
Indeed, a sense of envy or jealousy of others success is very human. Because compare yourself with others is one of the habits that are difficult to be human. So often appear question, "why he was more fortunate of me?", "Why I like this fate?", And a number of other questions that describe the feeling of envy for others.
But of course, these attitudes may not continue to control your mind. Pain is not satisfied and excessive jealousy will deliver you to the failure! If you feel jealous terlanjur success with your friends, you have a good idea soon changed.
• Think your friends that are close in your heart after the family. You should not begrudge him unthinkingly. For that you have made the people close to you, including friends, as the mirror itself. If your friends succeed, both in career or whatever, you should be proud and happy to participate. Because it can ask for opinions, advice and input of how that can be as successful as necessary or if he's more successful. Thus, you can find out what you lack that impede this step toward your success.
• Do not only think of success or other people, but also think about the success that you achieve. Due to the success of any small you are grateful, and you should enjoy. This is far more important than you are busy with the success of others. You need to do is improve the quality of self so that you more successful.
• Make your jealousy as a positive thing. This means if your friends can be successful you must also be successful. So the success of you can achieve a trigger for you to be more successful. Which clearly should never despair in the attempt.
• No need to be other people! Success does not achieve that you have the same success that you be friends. In addition you have your own ability, you can choose the way and a way to success. Who knows better than the results of which you achieve. And an important way of the positive that you will not necessarily cause problems. In the end you have to realize that feelings of envy and jealousy of friends or anyone else can drain out all your time and energy. As a result, this feeling will turn your passion to achieve something better. So, stop feeling of envy. Do not let these feelings control your mind. Would more good feeling jealous if you change it into the spirit of life to achieve the best. Your friends will not be objections to help you. Moreover how beautiful and friendly if you can achieve success together.
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12:59 AM
Label: motivation
Monday, January 26, 2009
Do Not Avoid "Qualm"
Do not Avoid "qualm"
Having qualm is normal. It is necessary to anticipate the possibility of the occurrence of bad things. But even if it is a burden and often, such conditions have been classified as interference. Fear is the fear of something that has not happened. Most of the anxious feeling that the imagination is related to past experiences that are less satisfying. So anxious was just "mind games", as it can be said that we create the fear itself.
However, its impact is big enough, because the boat and prevent workplace productivity. But basically thought this could be.
Qualm many causes, such as: chronic pain, disappointment, financial problem, and uncertainty. Almost every change in life are often accompanied by stress and worry.
There are some suggestions to control qualm:
1. Set the return of life, finish things (small) a fuss in accordance expression "do not sweat the small stuff", do not create trouble by matters trivial or small.
2. Afirmasi do themselves, it means thinking about doing things positive again with the opposite feeling anxious and afraid. How this is done, especially the fear and worry that has depth as if has been buried under the natural unconscious.
3. Before bed, clean mouth, clean face, hands and feet, wipe with water cantle you, drinking water, and pray to God that was keeping us from the bad dreams that are often about us.
4. Do not avoid feeling anxious, as more and avoided the strong feeling that. In fact, do the principles of Logoterapi paradox, that is deliberately doing what it is and try to spur ditakuti qualm that appears. But I need to be accompanied by a sense of humor, to feel light. For example: sing a song "O Come worries. I welcome and I am destroyed, "the need to get together with friends to welcome 'the edge'
5. Prepare the paper and pen, write qualm at the start to appear, note and record various physical changes that occur (cold, pulse, gag, and others-lai) and the feelings experienced (tense, mencekam, anxiety). Carefully follow the process of a thrill that. Then do afirmasi with light and humor. For example: "anxious, tense, and stress? Who is afraid? Bring along some friends to record.
Quoted from the magazine Nirmala
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10:57 PM
Label: motivation
Others Make You Respect
Others make you Respect
Do you feel ignored, should not be treated with other people or do not listen to you, especially your opinion? Do not worry, you're not alone. You also need not feel afraid because there are specific ways to overcome it.
How to make people respect you?
All come from themselves.
Feelings in themselves will determine the way people behave towards us. When you get the award, it usually also appear in your attitude to other people.
Feeling we actually 'made' by themselves. There is not one that can make you feel mad / nervous, feel guilty or embarrassed. If you have a certain feeling, it's because you keep the feeling in yourself. Each person will also differ in yourself. There are people that only with the eyes can make us feel warm and comfortable with him. While there are people who can make us feel nervous and tense. In fact, certain people can cause feelings of anger and wrath. You have the right to get the environment that includes the people who make you feel comfortable. You should not give up and so therefore the victim. If you can understand this, then you can control your feelings easily.
Surely you can do something on the feeling-the feeling is. But first you must do is recognize that feelings of low self comes to you from within yourself. If you can understand, then you also know that you have the option to receive the opinion of others about you, or reject it altogether.
If the boss, teacher, or others who may have a position of authority over you say that your work is not wrong then you certainly feel resentful because of the criticism has the power to give a higher than you. Conversely, if the criticism is to give the stranger that you do not know the person while intoxicated, dressed in a disordered, and behave, and speak like a child, then the criticism he will not affect you. Why? This is happening because the criticism comes from people that you do not know. You need to remember that you are entitled to choose in which you select which is to be received and which you will ignore. Because these options will determine whether you will appreciate, or even humiliate yourself. Remember ... options that you have on.
Theory Seems
Do not worry if in the hearts of you still can not respect yourself, then you can still apply this theory to work. You can change your negative views. It's a way that looks simple, but really quite difficult to do, you can learn self-esteem with the "connivance" self-esteem. For example, if you behave as though you have the confidence that strong, it can be ascertained that in the short time you will get the confidence is. Or, if you behave as though you are skilled to do something, then you will soon be the same as you do.
When you behave "as if" you have to be that person who you want, the attitude is starting to grow in yourself. Your attitude everyday, whether in thought, word and action reflects the level of self. If the thought, word and action is based on your self-respect then you will be able to appreciate the people themselves and other people also appreciate also your. You can do 'theory seems to' go with the "rules" about what must be disclosed, has been done, and believed. Note the "rules" and try it.
That should be disclosed:
1. Proud of the achievement of results when you have completed successfully. Do not be considered as a mere luck. All that happens because your hard work.
2. Say "thank you" the people who praise you without having to feel ashamed.
3. Say your feelings, for example, you must dare to say "I love you" to the people who you love.
4. You recognize the error, if you make a mistake. Make mistakes is human. All people ever do. However, only those who respect themselves and who want to know how best to acknowledge the mistake. All you do is acknowledge with a sense of responsibility, taking lessons from the mistakes you made, and try to improve.
5. When sesdapat against someone threatening you with the words, then you can melawannya with the word also. You do not need to shout.
6. Do not insult other people. Someone who respects himself never humiliate people in Agra on the other.
What should be done:
1. Walking with full confidence. Lift your head, make sure you walk the right way.
2. With neatly dressed, "as if" you consider your body. Note the cleanliness and hygiene yourself.
3. Try something new every sunday, the magazine's latest issue, a new food, new event that can be called or a new acquaintance that you can get talked.
4. Follow your heart desires your hearts desire. Think about something that you want others to do for you, and do their own for themselves. For example buy nosegay, to travel, keep the pet.
Which must be believed:
a. Believe that your personal views of the self is more important than what others are saying about you.
b. That alone does not mean lonely. Feeling lonely basically come from within yourself. Whether you live alone you can not feel lonely, while many people feel very lonely, even though they are in a noisy environment.
c. You are sure is that people respect and self-worth. Whether or not there are people who love you.
d. Recognizing that the past is fixed in time. No matter how other people or you understand. You will not be able to change them.
e. Sure that your valuable because you are you, not other people. Price yourself as something personal.
Now, you can build your life and change the day-to-day. There is never a word too late to become a person who can appreciate themselves.
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1:33 AM
Label: respect, responbility
Friday, January 23, 2009
Ageless recipe
Ageless recipe:
1. Face any issue with the relaxation and calm, without forgetting your own problems.
2. Do not grieve too prolonged. Look for material consolation and trying to make their own racket.
3. Preserve anger, because anger takes energy bad effect on your physical health.
4. If something can be done with calmness, why should at the same time with tension.
5. Jealousy and envy bad effect on circulation blood and your heart.
6. Faced with the angry people calm and do not enter into the hearts.
7. Do not considering the things that other people, especially judge him.
8. The world is rotating, if you're under, do not drop out despair. It's time you will rise up. But when is over, remember that you can fall.
9. Receive the real pain with the suffering and piety to God, because suffering is always a boon to bring happiness.
10. Physically you have to keep with your exercise.
11. Do not feel old trek, as compared with the next day you are still young now.
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7:40 PM
Label: motivation
The Positive Personal Characteristics
There is no success without struggle, so long and heavy obstacles that must be faced. Abstinence surrender! said that you must follow. Bad condition and not fun is part of life that must be paid to achieve success. Why do people often fail and are not successful?
- The lack of a sense of confidence. People less confident rate itself can not afford, do not feel valued and not look like others. Therefore, so they look better than other people, tend to be eksesif or rate other people's lack of and withdraw from the free association, was quick to get down when the object of ridicule, slur or deemed frivolous people.
- The influence of environment. Positive or negative character is very easily transmitted, the ordinary people in a positive environment tend to have positive character, as well as vice versa.
- In self-aware characters that you will build positive self from you in this very important and once, while the negative character he will damage the.
- Refrain from reactive, if not the things that are less exciting, to think calmly and patiently.
- Take positive meaning in every event that you experienced.
- Study the facts that are not enjoyable as the fact that always happens.
- Juxtapose themselves to God, activities and day-to-day activities must begin with a prayer and closed with a prayer as well.
- Avoid the habit press and rate other people's lack of, even though you're kidding or play.
- Often interact with people who have positive character that you also tend to think positive and optimistic.
- Life is always peaceful, does not feel the weight of grief, frustrating, hatred, anger, and lower self. You can find an alternative way out on the best events you experienced.
- You are not easy to blame other people as prickly problems.
- Interpersonal relationship is not disturbed because you tend to avoid the hostile attitude behave with others.
- You are more open to all the good fun and not events.
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7:01 PM
Label: positive thinking
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
People Who Think Positive
The 10 people who think positive
All the people who strive to improve themselves, and science knowledge surely know that life will be easier if we always think positive. But, how to train themselves so that positive thoughts circulating in our heads, not many know that. Therefore, we should first identify any characteristics that people think positive and start trying to mimic the way imagination.
1. See problems as challenges.
Compare with the people who see the problem as a test of life that is too heavy and make the most of his life so miserable in the world.
2. Enjoy life
Positive thinking will make someone accept the situation with a big heart, although it did not mean he did not try to achieve a better life.
3. Minds open to receive suggestions and ideas
Because of the way, there may be new things that will make things better.
4. Eliminate negative thoughts as soon as it is in the mind
Keeping negative thoughts too long can cause problems.
5. Grateful that it has.
And not complain about something that is not held.
6. Do not listen to gossip that is not stabilized.
To be sure, are good gossip with negative thoughts. Therefore, listen to the speech have not
7. Does not make a bed, but make a direct action
Never heard the term NATO (No Action, Talk Only)? This is it, this clearly is not their followers.
8. Using positive language
That is, the sentence of optimism, such as "The problem is resolved will," and "He is talented"
9. Using the body language is positive
Of them is smile, walking with steady steps, and expressive hand movements, or pitching. They also speak with the intonation in a friendly, enthusiastic, and 'live'.
10. Concerned about the image of themselves
Therefore, they try to appear good. Not only outside, but also in the.
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7:35 PM
Label: motivation, positive thinking
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Never afraid of what you are facing
If you believe that life is worth
This sense of trust willl help you to face
Barrier between you and success
Do not appear on the surface
But it will be a combination of doubt your ability
The only constraint to the realization of your success in the next day
I doubt you are appearing today.
Success is just a way of approach,
If you want to succeed
Start thinking that you are successful people.
You are what you think.
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4:24 PM
Label: positive thinking, respect, responbility